Friday, November 5, 2010

Frank Webb Workshop and a Report on the Post-Impressionist Show

"Birthday Gourds"
In progress

Will the real birthday gourds please stand up?

As I sign off for a bit to coordinate a demo tomorrow and a 5-day workshop featuring Frank Webb, I leave you with a work in progress. Bob's daughter Jamie gave him a wonderful and unusual cut bouquet for his birthday in October. The fruit looks like little pumpkins, most in a bright red-orange, but some still in their lime green phase. These colors are Jamie's favorites and were featured in her beautiful wedding last year, so the gift is extra special. We were tickled pink (as they say in New England) so I photographed them on the dining table. Before leaving for Santa Fe, I took one branch to my Thursday night art group and drew a composition free-hand on my watercolor paper. Last night I hosted the Thursday night bunch and began the painting.

Now I will set the painting aside until after the workshop. I've been busy coordinating with the artist, helpers, and attendees; shopping for hospitality food; making badges; and arranging accommodations.

Let me take a few minutes to recap the Post-Impressionist show from the Musee d'Orsay on loan to the de Young Museum in the city. My drawing class took a field trip the day before we left for New Mexico. We had a wonderful time viewing pieces by Van Gogh, Degas, Cezanne, Gaugain, and beyond. Let me say that "Starry Night" looked just as vibrant as when I saw it in Paris. After feasting on the masters, we enjoyed the semi-outdoor seating at the museum cafe. Here is a picture of instructor Bob Semans fittingly seated beneath a Van Gogh self-portrait.
Robert Semans

Bob is a wonderful drawing instructor and has made his living doing commissioned portraits for many years.

Here is the view from the top of the de Young:

View from the top of the de Young Museum
toward Golden Gate Bridge

We had a wonderful day shared with fellow artists and some spouses.

I'm sure I will have much to report about Frank Webb, a watercolorist who has had a fabulous career.

1 comment:

Barbra Joan said...

May I comment on all 4 posts at once ..LOL! Bob looks like Van G.. your painting is getting there. what can I say about the view ... you know how I feel about that. and Frank Webb? have one of his books , he's a wonderful painter.
In Biloxi .. later...