Saturday, March 25, 2017


"Thundering Waters"
12" x 15" Watercolor
I changed out my old Windows machine for a Macbook Air which I love, but I had problems working on my blog. Bob solved the problem by installing Chrome. However, if anyone else has suggestions for a good blogger app, I would appreciate hearing from you. 

Now for the happy news: Recently I received an award at the 49th Annual Members Show of the Santa Clara Valley Watercolor Society. You can see the winners from the show and the juror's comments.

We were heading for a multi-week vacation and I almost did not enter the show. Usually I create a painting specifically for the show, but this time I entered a recent painting inspired by our winter storms. California has suffered a prolonged drought. After four years with two of water rationing, we have had more than the normal rainfall. In January the Anderson Dam spillway was in high gear and I loved a photo my sister-in-law, Jackie, took of the water. She gave me permission to use the photo as inspiration for my work. I was very honored to receive the award as the show was of a very high quality.

Check out the winners on the SCVWS website.

For those who are local, the show will be open until the end of April at the beautiful Jewish Community Center in Los Gatos. The show is hung on the second floor of the main building.